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Case 1 片名:世紀風暴 國家地理頻道 2004/9/4 00:00 播出(約於全片 7'45" 處)
But the main stay of data gathering remains the weather balloon. Seven hundred are launched twice a day at precisely the same moment all over the world. ●播放●(swf 格式 10sec. 309KB)
誤譯但資料的收集 最主要還是靠測候氣球
全球每天兩次在同一時間 升出七萬個測候氣球賤譯……七百……
Case 2 片名:世紀風暴 國家地理頻道 2004/9/4 00:00 播出(約於全片 32'38" 處)
As monster waves pound the Atlantic coast, what happened in Florida a few hours ago prompts immediate action. ●播放●(swf 格式 7sec. 206KB)
誤譯如怪獸般的巨浪 侵襲大西洋沿岸
數小時在佛羅里達州 發生的事得到馬上的回應
Case 3 片名:世紀風暴 國家地理頻道 2004/9/4 00:00 播出(約於全片 24'49" 處)
By Saturday morning, storm clouds smothered almost the entire eastern half of the United States from Florida to Maine. It is now the largest storm of the 20th century, over 25 times the size of hurricane Andrew. ●播放●(swf 格式 17sec. 670KB)
誤譯到了星期六上午 風雲開始平息
整個美國東半部 從佛羅里達州到緬因州
Case 4 片名:太空返航的挑戰 Discovery頻道 2004/8/27 播出
If you have a big glider that flies just a little bit better than brick, which was the shuttle does, and you are aiming straight ahead at the runway and you have just enough altitude to trade for energy to get to the runway, then you probably don't have any margin for hair. ●播放●(swf 格式 16sec. 385KB)
誤譯太空梭的滑行只比 磚頭稍微順暢點
高度正好足夠轉換能量 降落在跑道上
Case 5 片名:飛越地球村──蓄日計劃 國家地理頻道 2004/9/1 22:00 播出(約於全片 33'26" 處)
There are two kinds of innovations that I think would rescue us from excessive automobility. One is to make the cars themselves benign in the sense of that we won't run out of air, oil or climate anymore; instead we run out of land, roads and patience. But if we make the cars about three times lighter out of very crashworthy advanced composites like carbon fiber, if we make them very slippery in moving through the air along the road and get them hybrid electric drive making the power on-board from direct hydrogen fuel cells, then we can end up with the competitively-priced car that's 4 to 8 times as efficient as now, better in all driver respects like safety, comfort, and so on. ●播放●(swf 格式 43sec. 822KB)
誤譯 我認為有兩類創新設計
不再會耗盡空氣、油料 或是破壞氣候
而反倒會讓道路擁塞 駕駛人的耐心用盡
但若我們利用耐撞擊的 碳纖維等先進材質
若能讓車體流線 降低行經道路時的風阻